Fake milk made without cows available at S'pore supermarkets for S$4.95

Fake milk made without cows available at S'pore supermarkets for S$4.95

As if producing fake & highly processed, lab-grown meats in Singapore isn't enough₁, local supermarkets in Singapore have started selling fake milk produced by genetically manipulating fungus, by California-based food technology company Perfect Day₂.

Sold under a brand called Very Diary, the milk is created by providing genetic information to fungus to convert plant sugar into whey & casein proteins through fermentation.

An interesting question to ask would be "why go through all these trouble to make fake milk?" when we have actual cow's milk, goat's milk, almond & soy milk for vegans & animal lovers.

The reasons given to justify the production of milk, as with other fake foods, are that it is more sustainable in terms of greenhouse gas emissions & non-renewable energy used.

Yes we "totally" buy into the "benevolence" of the company.

The same company also sells fake ice-cream made from the same fake milk, under the brand Coolhaus.

A quick search on crunchbase₃ revealed that Perfect Day's top investors include Temasek Holdings & Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, which are both supporters of the World Economic Forum₄ (WEF).

About WEF

WEF is a powerful global bureaucratic forum that strongly influences / shapes the policies of governments that are aligned / submitted to it. Nobody elected WEF to lead the world (as with UN, WHO, WTO, CFR, etc) but somehow they are leading & telling the world what to do - without being accountable or answerable for any policy they make.

Made up of the world's corporate giants, plutocrats (people like Bill Gates, George Soros) & heads of states, their corporate agenda in the guise of "improving the state of the world", such as reducing CO₂ emissions to stop climate change is deceptive, malicioushypocritical.

Just consider how these climate advocates (including celebrities, billionaires, corporate & world leaders) fly in private jets all the time. Each of them merrily emitting hundreds or thousands times more CO₂ than the average person, whose carbon emissions they try to shame & limit through controlling our transport & food choices – in the name of saving the climate₅.

The following video shows some of their long-term goals.

WEF's Food Narrative

On food, WEF's public narrative is that mankind needs to switch to alternative protein sources that are sustainable to reduce greenhouse gases, prevent climate change, & "healthier" for our bodies₆. Their corporate partners & supporters heavily fund companies that produce alternative protein (fake foods) like synthetic meats & farm insects.

On the surface, it seems that they are trying to "save the earth" but the truth is far from it.

WEF's Hidden Food Agenda

Pay enough attention to their actions & read behind their narratives, you will see that WEF is in fact waging a war on the availability of real food for the common people. I will expound more on this in another post titled: The invisible war against real food.

Till the next post,

Jake Oh
Founder // Grow Big Grow Home


grow your own organic, fresh & secure vegetable supply with our hydroponics grow systems for home, office, cafe and indoors


₁ https://mothership.sg/2022/06/good-meat-facility-bedok
₂ https://mothership.sg/2022/11/very-dairy-animal-free-milk
₃ https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/perfectday/company_financials
₄ https://www.weforum.org/partners#search
₅ https://www.bitchute.com/embed/RORwZJFUC9Uq
₆ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/how-food-choices-can-clean-up-the-planet-and-feed-the-world-regenerative-farming-plant-based-diet-waste-biodiversity
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